Betta fish

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that what is “betta fish” or my village call it “ikan Karen bakot”.When I was a kid I has a lot of this fish..

Betta fish is one of several genera in the Family Osphronemidae. The most famous Betta is the Siamese Fighting fish (Betta splendens). The word Betta comes from a local Siamese name for Siamese Fighting fish, “Ikan Bettah”.

The contemporary Thai name for this fish is Pla-kad. Since Bettas – especially the Betta splendens – are so popular among aquarists, we have given these fishes their own section here at AC Tropical fish. If you want to read about the other genera in the Family Osphronemidae, you will find a lot of useful information in the Gourami section of the articles librarySiamese Fighting fish is not the only Betta fish that is well liked by aquarists. The Betta genus contains more than 50 described species. Most of them can be kept in aquariums but it is only a few species that are commonly kept by other aquarists than the true Betta enthusiasts. One of the most frequently kept Betta species aside from the Siamese Fighting fish is Betta imbellis – the Peaceful Betta. The Peaceful Betta is native to Malaysia and can reach a maximum size of 8 centimeters (3 inches).As the name suggests, it is a docile fish compared to the Siamese Fighting fish and the Peaceful Betta can do well in a community aquarium with other tranquil and non-aggressive species. The ideal water temperature is between 24-28ยบ C (75-82° F) and the pH should be kept in the 5.5-7.0 range. Wild Betta imbellis inhabit densely grown waters and you should therefore provide your Betta imbellis with plenty of hiding places by decorating the aquarium with lots of plants. A Betta imbellis without any hiding places will become extremely stressed.In South East Asia Betta splendens is traditionally kept as a fighting fish. The Bettas kept in Asia as fighting fishes were brown with a tinge of green and their fins were much smaller than the fins that we can see on the aquarium kept Bettas of today. If you keep a Betta fish in order to make the fight other Bettas, you will naturally have no incitements to breed fancy Betta fish with long and flowing fins that can easily be injured.
Betta fighting is still popular in many parts of Asia and those Bettas can look very different from the forms that we find in aquariums. Male Betta splendens are highly territorial, and when put together in the same container they will fight until one of them dies. In the wild, a weaker male can always choose to leave the territory before he becomes deadly injured, but this is naturally impossible in a small fish bowl or aquarium.he Betta fish species were quite unknown among European and American scientists and fish enthusiasts until the early 19th century. The King of Siam at that time was allegedly a huge Betta fan and he loved to attend Betta fights

A doctor named Theodor Cantor was given a Siamese fighting fish, supposedly directly from the King of Siam, when the doctor was working in Siam. He became fascinated by the Betta fishes and studied their behavior for 10 years before he published an article about them.

He called his fish Macropodus Pugnax. A few years after the turn of the century, another doctor developed a similar fascination for these interesting fishes. His name was Dr. Tate Regan and he changed the name Macropodus Pugnax to Betta Splendens.

Tips to improve your Badminton game

In any sport, preparation is vital. Physically, you should practise until you are confident of having a strong game. You should walk on to the court having stretched and being fully fit. If you have any injuries, make sure they are bandaged and supported if you choose to play at all. However, be wary of playing if you have any niggling injuries, as they may turn into long-term issues - always get them looked at by a doctor and follow medical advice.

Mental game
You should also be mentally prepared. Make sure you know your opponent’s game - strengths, weaknesses, and favourite moves and shots. Shortly before you face your opponent, run through your ideal game in your head. Prepare some shots you know will highlight your opponent’s weaknesses. Make every point count. Attack constantly, no matter what the score is. Defensive tactics rarely win games.

Although badminton is a physical game, mental attitude can mean the difference between winning and losing. Have a look at Badminton Secrets to find advice on the importance of your commitment, composure, concentration, confidence and consistency

If you are struggling, and it is practical, try to take a breather. A quick drink of water or comfort break can help you regroup and a break in the game can change the pace to your advantage.
Hitting the bird properly The earlier you can strike the shuttlecock, the further it will be from the floor and the more space you will have. Hitting it early also means your opponent has less time to recover from the previous shot and react to your response. That said, avoid rash shots - always make sure you are in the optimal position to get the most from the shuttlecock.

Stick to basics
Strong shots can be difficult to play with a backhand, especially for players new to the sport. If possible, and practical, use a forehand - this is likely to give you more control over the power and direction of the shot.

Whichever shot you select, an overhead smash or a well executed backhand, stick with it. Wavering half way through the strike will leave you open to a strong and dangerous response.

Consider technical issues
If you find you are struggling to get enough power behind the shuttlecock, reassess your whole technique. If you alter your position, move your feet slightly wider apart, improve your grip or turn your body, you are likely to get more power than if you simply take a bigger swing. You will also be able to control the shuttlecock and where it lands with greater success.

Attritional tactics
Patience is a useful virtue in badminton players. Practise long rallies and your stamina will not let you down when you are faced with a long rally in a competition. It is a useful trick to have up your sleeve to tire out your opponent, physically and mentally. Loss of concentration means the opposition will make mistakes.

Control. We were playing with an imaginary net. The street lines served as our boundaries, so we had to control the shuttle to keep it in.
Drives. In an open space, sometimes we played against the wind. So we had to hit the bird hard.

Lift. Aiming to hit higher than the coconut trees strengthened our wrists.
Smash. To be able to hit our opponents, we had to smash them hard and in the area where their defense was weak. We usually target the backhand side.
Defense. To defend ourselves from those killer drives and smashes, we had to be on the proper stance and racket position. I knew what it is to be hit on the eye.

Footwork. We kept on running in our imaginary court. The right footwork made it easy for us to cover all corners